Infografika: Objavné solárne technológie

Fotovoltika za svoju krátku technologickú dobu života pomohla vytvoriť zaujímavé mechanizmy:

Solar Technologies On The Leading Edge (Infographic)

In 1839, the photovoltaic reaction was first observed. Since then, mankind has harnessed the power of the sun in many different ways.

From powering everyday devices like wrist watches (1968) and calculators (1978) to sending orbiting satellites (1962) and spaceships (1967) through the cosmos.

What is exciting is that we are only at the early stages of how important solar technologies could be to our planet. Here, we take a look at some of the projects that are currently being tested and developed that would redefine the way we transport ourselves, look after the planet, and connect with each other:


Infographic created by The Eco Experts.

For more info on each of these, check out:

Solar Impulse
Project Loon

Zdroj: 14. 1. 2014

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